As a brand new publication, the EUROSOLAR TIMES will bring together content from different areas of our work, provide a platform for EUROSOLAR thinkers and members.
The goal of EUROSOLAR remains one thing: the rapid transition to 100% renewable energy. In order to do justice to our common aim and to EUROSOLAR’s diversity, something new is now beginning.
Let’s bring it on together!
The current issue:
The new issue of EUROSOLAR Times is finally here and has a lot of different topics included.
In this issue, we report on the worldwide Solar Decathlon competition held in Wuppertal in 2022.
We also discuss the expansion of renewable energies in Africa in an interview.
There is an article on the emergence and relevance of IRENA.
Furthermore, there is news from the sections as well as upcoming events and activities.

Selected articles
- Unequal access to sustainable and affordable energy: equity perspectives and the Sustainable Development Goal 7By Andrea Kerkmann, Melina Lukas and Sanja Osieja. Energy is everywhere: we need energy for cooking, heating, transportation as well as for many other activities in our everyday lives. Without energy, many things would not be possible for us. However, access to energy is unequally distributed: not everyone has access to energy. In addition to… Read more: Unequal access to sustainable and affordable energy: equity perspectives and the Sustainable Development Goal 7
- 20 Years World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) – Interview with Angelina GalitevaAngelina Galiteva is a board member of the World Council for Renewable Energy, a founding board member of the Global Clean Energy Desalination Alliance, and founder and board chair of the Renewables 100 Policy Institute, which works to accelerate the global transition to 100% renewable energy. She is also the Chair of the Board of… Read more: 20 Years World Council for Renewable Energy (WCRE) – Interview with Angelina Galiteva
- The negative-carbon society (NCS): a climate-positive framework for the global cityBy Peter Droege. The great carbon bubble on which our civilization, its economies and our cities has risen for the past 200 years represents one of the most massive, radical and abrupt disruptions in the known history of this planet – surpassing even those caused by all previous extinction events. Sloganed programs such as the… Read more: The negative-carbon society (NCS): a climate-positive framework for the global city
- The Dutch Green Industrial Policy Toolbox – Insights from a recent OECD reportby Carol Olson. From the fertilizer used to grow the food we buy, the packaging in which we carry it home, to the plastic-based fabrics we wear, and the cement and steel used in the buildings we inhabit, the manufacturing sector produces the goods that surround us. When we can’t repair things, or avoid plastic,… Read more: The Dutch Green Industrial Policy Toolbox – Insights from a recent OECD report
- Head to head with development aid to develop biogas markets in AfricaA set of a small biogas digester, biogas backpacks and biogas stoves replaces firewood and charcoal for cooking. Not only the technology, but rather the approach of (B)energy proves that a smart business model implemented by local entrepreneurs is much more effective than aid projects funded by western donors. But foreign aid makes business difficult… Read more: Head to head with development aid to develop biogas markets in Africa
Editorial Office
EUROSOLAR – The European Association for Renewable Energy
Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 11
53113 Bonn
E-Mail: times [at]
Professor Peter Droege, President
Editorial Team:
Niklas Hausemann, Andrea Kerkmann, Antonia Riemer (Editors)
Ute Mächler (Layout)
Annette Geers (Proofreading)