President: Paul Zens
Phone: +352 621 463 048
Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l
6 Jos Seyler Strooss
L-8522 Beckerich
E-Mail: info [at]
EUROSOLAR Luxembourg’s activities 2020/2021
Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg asbl, as a fraction of Eurosolar e.V., has been founded in 2002. The convention, which has been renewed for another 3 years in 2020, and granted financial support from the Ministry of the Environment, aims at framing the collaboration between Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg asbl and the Government of Luxembourg with the objective of the sustainable expansion of the renewable energy sector in general and solar energy in particular in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in accordance with the national objectives in the fields of the fight against climate change and the development of renewable energies.
Eurosolar Luxembourg’s activities revolve around three main axes, as defined in the convention:
Axis 1: Monitoring the impacts of energy supply using inexhaustible energy resources such as sun, wind and water.
Axis 2: Advice on regulations, laws and statistics/projections in relation to the objectives according to article 1.
Axis 3: Information work and propagation of the political, technical and economic possibilities of the introduction of solar energy sources. The work will consist in:
- organizing conferences, seminars and exhibitions;
- initiating specific working groups;
- publishing information material;
- assigning studies
Activities in 2020:
Activities axis 1: Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg asbl has participated in several conferences on renewable energies, such as an exchange of views with the management of Paul Wurth S.A. about their projects and investments in renewable energies, a video conference by Prof. Dr. Quaschning, IZES gGmbH kick-off meeting about the Interreg project PV follows function, the Creos scenario report 2040 and many more.
Activities axis 2:
- Position paper “Extension of support for PV installations”.
- Presentation of the “Luxembourgish guide of architectural solar panel integration” (Guide luxembourgeois d’intégration architecturale de panneaux solaires photovoltaïques) and the dedicated website “”.
Activities axis 3:
- Podcasts: 5 podcasts have been published in 2020, the first one aired on the 13th of November. They are registered and edited in-house and available in luxembourgish on out website, or directly on Spotify (D’Sonn am Stecker by Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg asbl)
- Video-clips: In 2020, 2 videos have been published. The first one, was a video presentation of, and the second one, was a video-clip about the energy cooperative “EnerCoop Uelzechtdall”. They are also produced and edited in-house.
- Social media: Creation and maintenance of two new websites (“” and “”), FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, etc…
Planned activities for 2021
- Participation in the PV follows function project
- Analysis of the statistical data on the evolution of the installed powers
- Participation/Launching of an AgroPV project
- Call for applications and award of the National Solar Prize 2020/2021 by Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg a.s.b.l.
- Organization of / participation in conferences with stakeholders, the government, etc.
- Elaboration of documents on different subjects such as: Flat-Rate tariffs, new Prosumer law, optimization of self-consumption/ Intelligent Consumption Management, Power Partage Agreements (PPAs)…
- More video-clips and podcasts on different topics related to renewable energy sources.
- Creation of informative material on the future / second life of the photovoltaic panels, after the expiry of the buy-back contract, after 20 years.
- Have a more dynamic communication through the way of social media.
- Creation and update of descriptive sheets for individuals, professionals and cooperatives.
National Energy Action Plan of Luxembourg
Luxembourg 2020 renewable energy targets:
- Overall target: 11% of share of energy generated from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption;
- Heating and cooling: 8.5% of heat consumption met by renewable sources;
- Electricity: 12% of electricity demand met by electricity generated from renewable energy sources;
- Transport: 10% of energy demand met by renewable energy sources.
For more information, visit IRENA or contact the section directly.