Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy
Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi
Phone: +45-979-566 00
Address: Kammersgaardsvej 16, DK-7760 Hurup Thy, Denmark
National Energy Action Plan of Denmark
Denmark has pursued an active energy policy since the 1970s, with energy saving and renewable energy as high priorities. There is still a need for ongoing efforts in these areas in order to deal with the many challenges faced by society today, whether it is in relation to the climate or environment, economic considerations, or ensuring a high degree of supply reliability. It is Danish government policy that by 2020, Denmark will be a green, sustainable society and will be among the three most energy efficient countries in the OECD. Denmark must also be among the three countries in the world that fulfils its renewable energy share up to 2020.
Denmark renewable energy 2020 targets:
- Overall target: 30% of share of energy generated from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption;Heating and
- Cooling: 40% of demand met by renewable energy sources;
- Electricity: 52% of electricity demand met by electricity generated from renewable energy sources;
- Transport: 10% of energy demand met by renewable energy sources.
For more information, visit IRENA or European Commission Energy or contact the section directly.