German Solar Prize

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In cooperation with:

German Solar Prize categories

a) Towns/municipalities, districts, municipal utilities

Municipalities, towns, districts and municipal utilities that have projects for the use of renewable energies in their administrative area. The Solar Prize is awarded for convincing and holistic measures/strategies in the field of renewable urban planning or energy supply.

b) Solar architecture and urban development

Architectural and planning offices, housing associations, cities and other institutions that design innovative concepts for the use of renewable energies in individual buildings or energy-related utilisation concepts for entire city districts. The building aspect is in the foreground here.

c) Industrial, commercial or agricultural enterprises/companies

Industrial enterprises, companies, cooperatives and agricultural enterprises that contribute to the market integration of renewable energies through their business models or cover their own energy needs through innovative regenerative utilisation concepts.

d) Local or regional associations/communities

Associations and communities with a local or regional connection that promote the citizen-oriented and participatory use and dissemination of renewable energies in the region.

e) Media

Journalists, publicists, agencies and filmmakers who focus on renewable energies through media channels such as television, radio, online or print media.

f) Transport systemes

Vehicles and transport systems equipped with alternative and climate-friendly drives, as well as sustainable and holistic mobility concepts in the field of public transport and individual transport (e.g. car sharing concepts, e-charging infrastructures).

g) Education and training

Institutions, initiatives and individuals that offer education and training in the field of renewable energies and educate people in this regard.

h) One World Cooperation

Projects, initiatives and organisations from the field of development cooperation that make sustainable and holistic contributions with the help of renewable energies.

i) Special Award for Personal Commitment

Long-term and extraordinary personal commitment in the field of renewable energies. Proposals in this category are particularly welcome.rgien. In dieser Kategorie werden besonders gerne Vorschläge entgegengenommen.

j) Plaques for owners/operators of renewable energy systems

In addition to the solar prizes, plaques will be awarded to extraordinary construction achievements in the field of renewable energies and energy efficiency. A special application for this category is not possible. The plaque winners will be selected by the jury and will be chosen from the entries submitted in category b) “Solar Architecture and Urban Development”.

All entries will be submitted to a qualified jury. In its evaluation, the jury will make special reference to the following criteria, which you are welcome to consider or emphasise in your application.

Members of the jury

Dr. Axel Berg, Vorsitzender des Vorstands, EUROSOLAR Deutschland e.V.
Arun Dasgupta, Vorstand, EUROSOLAR Deutschland e.V.
Stephan Grüger, Präsident, EUROSOLAR e.V.
Niklas Hausemann, Vorstand, EUROSOLAR Deutschland e.V.
Steffen Harzer, Vorstand, EUROSOLAR Deutschland e.V.
Johannes Hegger, Architekt, HHS Planer + Architekten AG
Dr. Fabio Longo, Vizepräsident, EUROSOLAR e.V.
Georg Lüdtke, Bürgermeister Alheim i.R., Vorstand EUROSOLAR Deutschland e.V.
Christian Mildenberger, Geschäftsführer, NRW.Energy4Climate
Beate Petersen, Vorstand, EUROSOLAR Deutschland e.V.
Prof. Eberhard Waffenschmidt, 1. Vorsitzender, SFV Deutschland e.V.