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IRES 2022 Ticketshop

Messe Düsseldorf / online per Videoübertragung Messe Düsseldorf Halle 8b, 40474 Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf

Information If you are a EUROSOLAR member, please contact the EUROSOLAR office (Tel. +49-228-362373/ info Tel. (Mobil): +49 (0) 151 42503384) to get a discount code for 20% discount in the shopping cart. The European Association for Renewable Energy - EUROSOLAR is organising its 16th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2022) as a hybrid event with the possibility of physical participation at Messe Düsseldorf (Hall 8b) and online via video broadcast. For a productive visit and perfect networking opportunities, each conference ticket also provides access to the decarbXpo. All attendees can follow all plenary and parallel sessions and…

€25.21 – €831.93

Europe Calling mit Robert Habeck, Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz

die Jahre 2015 bis 2022 waren die acht heißesten seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen. Wir stecken mitten in der Klimakrise. Gleichzeitig hat der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine eine Energiekrise verursacht; in Folge dessen laufen mehr Braunkohlemeiler in Deutschland als geplant, LNG-Flüssiggasterminal werden für den Ersatz von russischem Gas gebaut. Droht eine Renaissance der fossilen Energien? Wie kann die Welt das 1,5°C-Ziel des Pariser Klimaabkommens überhaupt noch erreichen? Klar ist: In Deutschland und der EU bewegt sich so viel wie nie beim Klimaschutz. Aber es reicht noch nicht – das sagt auch der Expertenrat für Klimafragen der Bundesregierung. Deswegen freuen wir…

European Solar Prize 2023

Detailed information on the award ceremony will follow shortly. Each year EUROSOLAR awards the most innovative renewable energy projects of Europe-wide and even global importance. “The European Solar Prize celebrates living, resilience and prosperity building models in the peaceful international cooperation to defeat humankind’s greatest threat: fossil climate chaos. It is therefore also the flagship program in EUROSOLAR’s Regenerative Earth Decade initiative.” declares Professor Peter Droege, President of EUROSOLAR and Chairman of the Jury. Renewable Energy Diversity In order to celebrate the diversity of successful renewable energy applications, EUROSOLAR awards the ESP in ten categories from municipalities to One-World-Cooperation, mobility…

Fondation Braillard: Transition Workshop – Theory Masterclass

The Theory Masterclass comprises 80 hours of courses and seminars delivered by renowned experts in a variety of fields: climate change, biodiversity, resources, energy, water management, food systems, psychology, sociology, economics, demographics, architecture, urbanism, regional planning, landscape, etc. The courses offer a concise introduction to the challenges, the latest theoretical advances and the most recent data on the transition through four themes: The Transition Workshop™ aims to create a sense of community. Therefore, all courses and seminars are organized to be delivered on-site (in Geneva) or online, with the physical presence of all participants strongly recommended. The participation and successful…