25 Years of EUROSOLAR

25 Years of EUROSOLAR-Jubiläum

2013 marks the 25th year of EUROSOLAR. EUROSOLAR was set up in
1988 to work independently of political parties, institutions and compa-
nies in pursuit of a vision: substituting fossil fuels and nuclear energy
systems with a sustainable, peaceful and renewable energy-based supply,
founded on decentralized local resources close to the citizens.
In his speech at the founding conference on 22 August 1988, Hermann
Scheer, founder and Honorary President of EUROSOLAR (1944 – 2010),
stressed: “Anyone who has his eyes wide open about all conventional en-
ergy supply sources must see that humanity has no choice but to pursue
the introduction of renewable solar energy as quickly and widely as pos-
sible“. To realize his visionary goals he founded EUROSOLAR, supported
by a group of like-minded citizens, scientists and politicians who shared
his concerns, a quarter century ago.
After more than two decades of commitment EUROSOLAR has
achieved successes for renewable sources of energy in all areas and at all
levels. The not-for-profit has influenced energy and environmental policy
and has inspired the creation of a social and cultural movement for re-
newable energy