EUROSOLAR Times Summer 2022 Index

EUROTRIP_ENERGY EUROPE EUROSOLAR Luxembourg20th anniversary of Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg asbl Beate PetersenSolar renovation and construction in existing buildingsThe Solar Decathlon Europe Competition 21/22 in Wuppertal, Germany INTERVIEW EUROSOLARIbrahim Togola – Energy in Africa ENERGY AROUND THE WORLD Axel Berg Plagues, war…

EUROSOLAR’s Call for a Climate Defence Agenda

A fundamental obstacle to intelligent development, purposeful evolution and future-oriented action lies in the past itself. By this I do not mean the ballast of history, or the lethargy of nostalgia, but the shackles of the traditional institutions that construct…

EUROSOLAR TIMES Summer 2021 Index

EUROTRIP_ENERGY EUROPE Anja Paolucci Activism in Times of Covid Wolfgang Palz Green Hydrogen in Europe INTERVIEWKrisztina André and Stefan Gsänger Women for the Energy Transition Mycle Schneider ”Nuclear power – two sides – one technology“ ENERGY AROUND THE WORLD Niklas…

Women in Renewable Energy

BY JULIA BROICH Decentralized renewable energy harbours huge democratic potential: giving people back the power over their own energy supply. But who are the people? The energy transition has a diversity problem. Traditionally, the energy sector has been dominated by…

The Geopolitics of Hydrogen: Old Dependencies in a New Energy Market?

Niklas Hausemann, Katharina Weber and Johannes Block For decades, hydrogen has been repeatedly traded as the supposed “key element” of sector coupling. Although some of the technologies for climate-neutral generation are still far from being ready for the market, green…