I apologize for not having been able to attend this important meeting and I am also very sorry not to be able to once more meet the friends of EUROSOLAR. In fact the reason why I am unable to be there is related with EUROSOLAR, for I am attending the congress of an important branch of our trade union confederation – CGIL- in order to speak about the EUROSOLAR mission, and how important its message is for the labour movement. I am proud to be able to speak once more about EUROSOLAR which advocates so many important aspects about energy, and especially on how to fight in favor of a radical change. I wish to thank once more on this occasion EUROSOLAR Founder, Hermann Scheer – for the help he gave us in understanding the importance of the issue and especially to give us the strength to go on, the awareness that the battle will not be easy and that there are many enemies because, as he used to say, “the sun cannot be privatized”.
This is why even in Italy where we are rich of sun, wind and water so many of our companies prefer to invest in gas or oil businesses. Because they provide them with more profits. I remember Hermann’s quote: “First they laugh on us, than they try to ignore us, then they fight against us, finally we win.”
I am sure we will but we need to be more “European”, I mean to unify at the European level more than we usually do. I am recently back from Berlin and I discovered that the main danger you face in Germany is the same as in Italy: The crazy useless and dangerous project of putting CO2 under the earth, in holes under the sea, to put CO2 in jail! Let’s organize a common protest! Congratulations to the winners of the European Solar Prize. Have a good meeting and I really hope we will have another opportunity where I will be able to meet all of you soon, old and new fighters of EUROSOLAR.