EUROSOLAR Association for Renewable Energy and EUROSOLAR Catalonia and Spain

Issue the Joint Girona Regenerative Earth Declaration of Renewable Energy and Sovereignty.

On occasion of the successful two-day International Conference on Renewable Energy and Sovereignty held in Girona on 21st and 22nd November at the Josep Irla Auditorium, with the participation of over 40 international and national experts to urge the importance to act in the rapid implementation of a distributed 100% renewable energy system – while simultaneously strengthening regenerative agriculture and the enhancement of natural ecologies.

Renewability of energy and other resources is a characteristic of existential human right to not have the habitability of Earth and its regions destroyed by the greed of corporations, nations and individuals. 

Sovereignty of regions, communities, peoples and individuals are an inalienable feature of societal life, and the capacity of civilizations to maintain terrestrial habitability. Social and renewable energy sovereignty is essential to a habitable planet. 

EUROSOLAR’s call for a new focus on the sustainability of territories in both renewability of energy and freedom from fossil and nuclear resource content – and the capacity of agriculture and natural systems to remove and manage excess atmospheric carbon in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

This is a core message of EUROSOLAR’s Regenerative Earth Decade and its ten core principles: the stability of the global climate depends not only on 100% Renewable Energy but also on an abiding and central focus on Climate Defense Programs, Climate Peace Diplomacy, and the capacity of terrestrial and oceanic ecosystems to lower the excessive atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations by maintaining carbon active ecological health, biodiversity and boosting organic GHG removal throughout our economy and industry.

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Program of the Event